Marjorie Tomchuk - Collections/ Resume
Library of Congress, Print Collection, Washington, DC
Library of Congress, Poster Collection, Washington, DC
National Air & Space Museum, Washington, DC
American Museum of Papermaking, Atlanta, GA
Art In Embassies Program, State Department, Washington, DC
Baker Library, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
Booth Western Art Museum, Cartersville, GA
Crane Museum of Papermaking, Dalton, MA
Davison Art Center, Middletown, CT
DeCordova Museum, Lincoln, MA
Easton Public Library, Easton, CT
Fayetteville Museum of Art, Fayetteville, NC
Harpeth Hall Academy for Women, Nashville, TN
Lake County Museum, Wauconda, IL
Miami-Dade Public Library System, Miami, FL
Midwest Museum of American Art, Elkart, IN
Morgan Papermaking Conservatory, Cleveland OH
Museum of Native American Cultures, Spokane, WA
Museum of the City of New York, New York, NY
Nelson Gallery of Art, Kansas City, MO
New Canaan Library, New Canaan, CT
Newark Museum, Newark, NJ
Newberry Library Special Collections, Chucago, IL
Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art, Logan, Utah
Tacoma Museum of Art, Tacoma, Wash.
The Butler Institute of Art, Youngstown, OH
The Denver Art Museum, Denver, CO
The Peabody Essex Museum,Phillips Library, Salem, MA
The Print Consortium, St. Joseph, MO
Ukrainian Museum, New York, NY
University Club of Chicago, Chicago, IL
International Collections
Ege Universitesi Rektorgu, Bornova, Izmir, Turkey
Ebristan, Istanbul Ebri Evi, Uskudar, Istanbul, Turkey
Government of Ontario Art Collection Toronto, Canada
Hall of Architect Associates of Muran City, Hokaido, Japan
Hanji Development Institute, Wonju, Korea
Minato Mirai Concert Hall, Yokahama, Japan
Pan Asia Paper Museum, Jeonju, South Korea
Trumpelder Art Center, Ben Gurian University, Be-er Sheva Isdrael
Xinjiang Museum of Antiquities, Urumchi, Xinjiang, China
1953-7 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, BA
1960-1 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, MA
1963 Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan
1965-6 Pratt Graphics Center, New York, NY
1966-7 New York University, New York, NY
Selected Group Exhibitions (Partial Listing)
2022 "Of The Moment", Center for Contemporary Printmaking, Norwalk, CT Dec -Feb, 2022
2022 "Two Dimensions" 2 Person Exhibit, Alex Ferrone Galley, Cutchogue NY Sept27-Oct2
2022 42nd Mini Print Internationl Cadaques, Spain, France & UK, June 25 - Sept 30.
2022 "Shop Swap" East London Printmakers, London, England, Jun 5-Aug. 28
2022"Footprint" Center for Contemporary Printmaking, Norwalk, CT Jun 5-Aug 28
2021 "Origins & Destinations", Fengxian Museum, Shanghai, China, Sept. 25 - Nov.25
2021 "Approach" Toyita City Civic Gallery, Toyota, Japan, Sept 17- Oct. 17
2021 "Origins & Destinations" , Univ. of Tasmania, AU, Makers Workshop, Apr. 9-June 6
2019 "Under the Influence", Ctr. for Contemporary Prints, Norwalk CT, 2nd prize, Nov. 24-Feb. 9
2019 Feasts On Paper, Shanghai Intern'l Paper Art Biennale, China, Sept-Nov.
2019 Miniature Print Exhibition, Manhattan Graphics Center, NY, NY, Nov. 1-30
2019 Manifest(o) Paper Revolutions, Univ. of the Arts, Anderson Hall, Philadelpia, PA Sept. 16-27.
2019 Miniature Print International, Ctr. for Contemporary Prints, Norwalk, CT, June 2-Sept. 1
2019 National Juried Exhibition, Morgan Conservatory, Cleveland, OH, Mar. 29 - Apr. 27
2019 "Small Expressions", Francisco Gallery, Peters Valley School of Craft, Layton, NJ, Feb. 16-Mar 31
2018 "Small Works/Big Impact", Nahattan Graphics Center, NY, NY, Nov. 1 - 30
2018 "Matrices of Making", Levitt allery, Univ. of Iowa, IA, Oct. 20 -28
2018 "Small Expressions" Wilbur D. May Museum, Reno, NV July 1 - 15
2018 " Inspired by Paper" Traveling Exhibit, North Cyprus, Museo della Carta, Fabriano, Italy
Mattsee, Austria and Fabriano, Italy
2018 "Responsive Paper" History Museum of Sofia, Bulgaria, May 16-June 16
2018 "Inspired by Paper" Capellades, Spain Dec. 22 - Feb. 28, 2018
2018 "Luminous Within Australia" Monash Gallery, Vicotoria, Jan. 5-Feb. 25
2017-18 "Echo-Sublime", National Taiwan Research & Develop. Inst. Oct. 6-Mar.9
2017 "A Feast on Paper" 1st Shanghai International Invitational Oct. 27 -Nov. 21
2017 "Surface Tension" Ferst Center, Georgia Tech. Atlanta, GA Sept 25 - Oct. 13
2017, "Paper, Paper, Paper" Taos Center for the Arts, Taos, NM Sept. 9 - Oct.29
2017 3rd International Paper Biennale, "Natural Impression", Artist's House, Beer Sheva, Israel, Sept 15-Oct 15
2017 "Ambiguities/Innuendoes? Go Fish" Honorable Mention, Stamps Gallery, Ann Arbor, MI, July 18-Aug. 5
2017 "The Luminus Within, Australia Tour" University of Tasmania Burnie, Ongoing dates/places
2017 Luminous Within, Americas, U.of Iowa, Center for the Book Arts, Iowa City, IA
2017 "The Luminous Within, America", Biblioteca Nacional, Santiago, Chile, Jan. 12-Mar. 15
2017 "American Fiber", Morgan Conservatory, Cleveland, OH, Mar. 31-Apr. 29
Award: Best in Show
2017 "Legacy of Silvermine", Silvermine Arts Center, New Canaan, CT, Feb. 26- Mar.19
2017 Traveling Exhibitions in Germany,"Enter into Art", Cultural Center, Cologne,
March 5-15; Municipal Museum, Nassau, April 1-10; House Eberhard, Diez, May 4-14.
Organized by International Artists & Papermakers Assoc.
France Musée cevenol, 1 April - 21 May
Poland paper mill and Museum Duszniki Zdroj, 1 June - 23 July
Germany Staade, Scheusenhaus Museum, 6 April - 24 September
Germany Pflegschloss Museum, Schrobenhausen, 5 December - 19 Janaury 2018
2016 "Paper Love", New Mexico History Museum, Sante Fe, NM Oct 17-Nov. 13
2016 6th International Ebru Congress, Ebristan, Istanbul, Turkey, May 7-14
2016 Mail Art Preoject, North Cyprus, November 2016
2016 "The Luminous Within" at multiple venues, Brasilia, Brazil, Sept.-Nov
Organized by International Artists & Papermakers Assoc.
Germany SCHNITTSTELLE – Kunstraum Nierenhof, 4 April - 17 April
Bulgaria PAPER ART FEST 2016, Sofia, 28 April -17 of May
Germany ForumKunstundHandwerk, Mainburg, 26 June – 10 July
Germany Papiertechnische Stiftung, Munich, 13 July - 15 September
Germany Schloss Burgau, cultural centre, 5 October -15 November
Austria Vienna, atelier Mapalagama Beatrix, December - January
2016 "Bienniale International, Fiber & Paper 2016 " Museum of World Religions, Tapai, Taiwan, Jan. 9-Mar.20
2015 "Bienniale International, Fiber & Paper 2015 " Gallerie le Petit Temple, LaSalle en Cevennes, France, Sept. 12-27
2015 "Puzzles, Riddles & Enigmas" , Univ of Michigan, Slusser Gallery,Jun13-Aug 1
2015 "Pulp and Fiction" Trumpeldor Gallery, Be'er Sheva, Israel, Jun 1-Aug 8
2015 "Biennial 2015" New Brewery Arts Center, Gloucestershire, UK, Mar 28-May 30
2015 "New Prints 2015/Summer", International Print Center New York (IPCNY) New York, NY, June 11-July 31
2015 "Spectrum" Carriage Barn Art Center, New Canaan, CT, Feb.-March, juror's selection prize.
2015 Sharjah Biennial 12, "Tree Whispers" Sharjah Art Museum, Dar Al Nadwa, United Arab Emerites, Mar.5 -Jun. 5.
2014 Pendle Print Biennial, Lancashire, United Kingdom, September
2014 "International Mokuhanga Exhibition", Tokyo University of the Arts, Sept. 11-25
2014 "The Sea", Castlehill Heritage Center, Caithness, Scotland, July 5 - 30
2014 "The Nexus of Art and Craft in Papermaking", Museo della Carta e della Filigrana. Fabriano, Italy, July 3 -August 31.
2013 Awagami International Miniature Print Exhibition, Tokyo, Japan, Oct.12- Nov. 10
2013 Connecticut Photos, CT Historical Society, Hartford, CT, Oct. 11 -March 29
2013 Mid America Print Council Member Exhibit, Banshee Press, Denver, CO, Oct. 25 - Nov. 22
2013 Member's Exhibit, Center for Contemporary Printmaking, Norwalk CT, Feb. 10 - March 31, Honorable Mention
2013 "Faszination Papier" Touring Exhibition, IAPMA
2013 Exhibition location and tour Faszination Paper
20 January -March 2013 Unimogmuseum Gaggenau, Germany
2012 Exhibition location and tour dates: Faszination Paper:
19.Sept. - 19. Oct. Confederation of European Paper Industries, Brussels, Belgium
02. July - 26. Aug., Schleusenhaus Stade, Germany
28. April - 20 May, Chapelle of the Condamine Garde Le Vigan, France
16. March - 22. April , Pflegschloss Schrobenhausen, Germany
2012 "Colossal Paper" Group Exhibit, Morgan Conservatory, Cleveland,OH, Oct. 2 - Nov. 19
2012 "In, On, of Paper", Juried Group Exhibit, Paper Circle Gallery, Nelsonville, OH, May 17 - Aug. 15
2012 "Papier Global 2", Juried Group Exhibit, Deggendorf Museum, Deggendorf, Germany, May 19-September 16
2011 "Silver" 25 Years of IAPMA, Smith St. Gallery, Fitzroy, Australia, Oct. 19-Nov. 6
2011 "Paper and Print”, Korean Craft Museum, Cheongju, S. Korea
2011 "Faszination Paper" Traveling exhibition with IAPMA members to four venues in Germany, Kunstverein Burghausen, Forum Kunst Ebranthausen, Paper Museum Duszniki Zdroy (Poland) Oldenwaldenmuseum Michelstadt
2011 "Paper Bash for Global Understanding" Ortigas Foundation Library, Manila, Philippines
Hardin ng Kalikasan, Real, Quesan Province, Philippines
2010 Indonesian Contemporary Art Exchange, Gandaria Atrium Jakarta
2010 "Pulp, Fact, Fiction and Fantasy", Springfield Art Assoc., Springfield, IL.
2010 "Foot Print" Center for Contemporary Printmaking, Norwalk, CT
"Paper Runway", Sponsored by the American Paper Museum, Atlanta, GA
. “Paper Runway” Galeria La Sala, Santiago, Chile
“Paper Runway” Museo National de Bellas Artes, Santiago, Chile
"Paper Road" International Paper Artist's Exhibit, Wonju, S. Korea
2009 "Water-Wood-Paper", Wonju, Korea
"SHU MOK JI", Jong IE Nara Paper Art Museum, Seoul, Korea
“Mapping the Island” Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
“25 Years of Binders and Paper... CELEBRATE”, Montreal, Canada
“Print Types”, Park University, Parkville, MO
2008 “Craft USA, Silvermine Guild Arts Center, New Canaan, CT
The Hawaiian Paper Petite Art Exhibit”, Donkey Mill Art Center, Hawaii
“Triennale Internationale du Papier”, Musee du Charmey, Switzerland
“Water Marks,PapierWerk Lesum” Kilturburo Nord, Bremen, Germany
The Artist Project, ARTROPOLIS, Chicago Merchandise Mart.
"Breaking the Mould” Collins Gallery, Glasgow
Beverly Art Gallery, Yorkshire, England
Robert Phillips Gallery, Walton on Thames, England
2007 “The World of Paper”, University Museum, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA
“Prints U.S.A. 2007”, The Springfield Art Museum, Springfield, MO
"Breaking the Mould" ArtsZone, London, England
Ovada, Oxford, England
Zaid Business School, Oxford, England
Sherborne House, Dorset, England
Bovince Gallery, London
2006 “25th National Juried Print Exhibition”, Silvermine Guild Art Center, New Canaan, CT
“Transformations” Steyrermuhl Paper Museum, Austria
"Preciousness of Paper", Jeon-Buk Cultural Center, Jeonju, Korea
"Culture and DNA" Silvermine Guild Art Center, New Canaan, CT
Solo Exhibitions (Partial Listing)
2013 Carriage Barn, New Canaan, CT, Solo Exhibit
2008 The Artist Project, ARTROPOLIS, Chicago Merchandise Mart, Chicago, IL
2006 "Embossings" Allison Corey Fine Art, Great Neck, NY
2005-1979 (Annual Exhibits) International Art Expo, Javits Center & the Coleseum, New York, NY
2003-1995 (Annual Exhibits) Decor Expo, Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, GA
2003 “Retrospective” Easton Public Library, Easton, CT
2001 “Paper Waves” American Museum of Papermaking, Atlanta, GA
1999 “Embossings”, Silvermine Guild Art Center, New Canaan, CT
1996 “From Realism to Abstraction”, Wyckoff Gallery, Wyckoff, NJ
1996 “Paper Fantasies”, Curtis Gallery, New Canaan Library, CT
1993 “Retrospective”, Eisenhower Hall, West Point Military Academy, West Point, NY
Art Chicago, Merchandise Mart, Chicago, IL
1991 “Paper Works”, Castle Gallery, College of New Rochelle, New Rochelle, NY
1989 “Prints & Paper” White Gallery, Franklin Lakes, NJ
1989 “Making Waves”, Fayetteville Art Museum, Fayetteville, NC
1989-1985 (Annual Exhibit) International Art Expo, Los Angeles Convention Center, LA, CA
1987 “New Impressions” Raleigh Contemporary Gallery, Raleigh, NC
1987 “Art Expo”, Miami, Coconut Grove Convention Center, Coconut Grove, FL
1986 Isetan Fine Arts Salon, Tokyo, Japan
1986 International Art Exposition CAL, Los Angeles Convention Center, CA
1985-3 (Annual Exhibits) International Art Exposition TX, Market Hall, Dallas, TX
1984-79 (Annual Exhibits) Washington International Art Fair, Convention Center, Wash. DC
1982 International Fine Arts Gallery, Fort Lauderdale, FL
1981-80 Prints '81, International Meeting of Art Publishers, Los Angeles, CA
1981 International Art Exposition, Showplace Square, San Francisco, CA
1980 Art Expo West, Los Angeles Convention Center, Los Angeles, CA
1979 Horton's Gallery of Fine Art, Grand Rapids, MI
1979 World Art Exposition, Hynes Auditorium, Boston, MA
1979 The Connecticut Gallery, Hartford Civic Center, Hartford, CT
1978 Artworks at the Wayne, Providence, RI
1978 The Lakeside Press, R.R. Donnelly & Sons, Co., Chicago, IL
1978 Leavenworth Public Library, Leavenworth, KS
1977 The Gallery, G. Fox & Co., Hartford, CT
1977 Wilton Gallery, Wilton, CT
1976 Silvermine Guild Arts Center, New Canaan, CT
1975 Gallery of Originals, Tacoma, WA
1974 Art Barn Gallery, Greenwich, CT
1972 US Military Academy Library, West Point, NY
1969 Lyn Kottler Galleries, New York, NY
Awards (Partial Listing)
2022 "Of the Moment" Ctr for Contemporary Prints, Norwalk, CT Honorable Mention
2021 Member's Exhibit, Carriage Barn Art Center, New Canaan, CT Best in Show
2019 "Under the Influence" Ctr. for Contemporary Prints, Norwalk, CT, 2nd prize.
Awarded by Jacob Lewis, Preisdent Pace Prints
2019 Advisory Board Member, North American Hand Papermakers Inc.
2017 "American Fiber", Morgan Conservatory, Cleveland, OH, Best in Show
2017 "Ambiguities/Inuendos" U. of Michigan Alumni Exhibit, Honorable Mention
2016 Invitation to serve on Advisory Board of Friends of Dard Hunter, ongoing
2011 “Foot Prints” International Print Competition, CCP, Norwalk CT Honorable Mention
2000 Art Trends Magazine, Best Print Award
1999 New Canaan Society for the Arts, Spectrum '99, Honorable Mention
1993 Association of Graduates, West Point Military Academy, Commissioned Edition
1991 New Canaan Society for the Arts, Spectrum Exhibition, Honorable Mention
1990 GE Capitol Corporation, Stamford, CT, Lobby Commission
1988 Commissioned Panels for Reception Hall, Northern Telecom, McLean, VA
1987 Cast Paper Commission for Lobby, Xerox Corp., Stamford, CT
1980 Class of '54, Dartmouth Alumni Awards Edition, Commissioned print
1973 DeCordova Museum Purchase Prize, Boston Printmakers Association
1972 50th Anniversary Poster Commission, Silvermine Guild of Artists
1972 National Arts Club Award
1971 DeCordova Museum Purchase Prize, Boston Printmakers Association
Publications (Partial Listing)
2020 Journal of the Print World "Embosed Prints by M. Tomchuk".
2013 Paper Art, International Association of Hand Papermakers & Paper Artists
2012 Papier Global, Paper II, Deggendorf Museum, Germnay
2011 Journal of the Print World “Embossings” Article on M. Tomchuk
2010 Printmakers Today, Schiffer Publishing Ltd.
2009 Paper Art, IAPMA Publishing, Germany
2008 Art Business News, “Women in Art” July issue
2000 Marjorie Tomchuk, Printmaker, Video, Curtis/Cromwell Productions
2000 Bibliography of American Printmakers, Donald Smith
2007 Collage, Assemblage & Paper Art, Watson Guptill, Diane Maurer-Mathison
2006 Paper In Three Dimensions, Watson Guptill, Diane Maurer-Mathison
1999 Papermaking Cook Book, Lenore Freeman, Dieu Donne
1998 - 2015 Printworld Directory, Printworld Internationl, Selma Smith
1995-7 Fiber Art Design Book IV & V, Altamont Press
1989 M.Tomchuk Graphic Work, book by Franz Geierhaus